The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Magazine - Nov/Dec 2004

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Using the Parish Web Site(Cont.)

Inviting other Parish members on to the site (Invite Friends)*

The site will grow and become a bigger part of parish life the more people we have joining. If you know the e-mail address of someone who is in the Parish that you think would like to join you can fill in this form and invite them along. All you need to do is enter their first and last name, and their e-mail address. The text of the e-mail they will receive is shown on the page, and you can enter an additional note at the bottom if you want to make it more personal. If the e-mail address you enter here is already registered then you will be informed, and the invite will not be sent, so don't worry about inviting someone if you're not sure about them already being members.
PLEASE only invite people you know to be Parish members (or former members) as you are granting people permission to change our web site.
*The (Invite Friends) feature is not available on the training web site.

Adding a link

You can add links to web sites you find interesting, these don't just have to be Parish or Catholic related things, we have a category or two for other things such as places to visit or things to do.
(Add, Edit or Delete Links) you will be shown a list of links* and can add a new one by clicking where it says (Click Here to add a new link)

You are now presented with a pop up form which asks for the details of the link, at the very least enter a suitable category and the URL ( and preferably a title and optional description. Click (save) and Robert is your parents brother. The popup window should display a message saying your link has been saved, then
To edit a link simply click on it and change the relevant details, or to delete it, click on it and press (Delete)

*New users will not see all the links on the site, at first you can only edit or delete links you have personally added to the site.

Adding an Event

Events are a little trickier, as they can be made to repeat, we'll start with a one off event and then show you how the repeat features work.

To add a one off event
Click on (Add, Edit or Delete Events) and you will see a list of links on screen, to add a new event click (Click here to create a new event) and a form will pop up.

Select your event category and fill in the date, don't worry that it says Start Date as this is only used for repeat events.

Add a title and optionally a more detailed description of you event then click the (Next >>;) button.
As you are creating a one off event ignore this screen and click (Finish), if you have entered everything correctly you should see a message saying that your event has been saved. This box disappears after a couple of seconds and the page below it should refresh itself.

To add a repeat event
Follow the instructions for a on off event until you come to the second page.

If you want your event to repeat every day week or year select this from the drop down list.

If your event repeats every month then it probably will be on, for example, the second Thursday of every month, so select from the two drop down lists the best description of how your event repeats.

Finally you need to enter a date for the last occurrence of your event, then click finish. As above you will see a message briefly saying that your event has been saved.

Hint, if your event is every second Thursday of the month you only need to enter approximate start and finish dates, e.g. A Start Date of 1/1/2005 and an Until Date of the 31/12/2005 will work correctly. This DOES NOT work for weekly daily or annual events however.

If you have missed important information while entering your event a (hopefully) helpful screen will explain what you have missed and let you click a link to go back and fix things.

Next issue I will describe how to create good looking articles, there are some new features to be finished first however, and I've rambled on too long in this issue.

Peter Freeman

Peter Freeman has spent many hours writing and creating the parish web site, it is a time consuming but rewarding job, it seems a shame not to use it.

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Published Mon 27th Dec 2004 18:21:50

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